Ideal Work renovation solutions can be applied quickly without altering floor profiles, with minimal disruption and in a clean and tidy manner.
Quick interventions without demolition
Thanks to the Ideal Work solutions, it is possible to obtain a new precious cementitious surface, in a fast, clean way, without the hassles, noises and costs of a demolition. The intervention takes place in reduced time, without creating too much dirt and dust. The floors are particularly suitable for floor heating: Thanks to the reduced thickness, they even improve the thermal performance.
No change in floor profile required
Choosing Ideal Work solutions to renew surfaces save time and money. By using a minimal thickness of material there is no need to alter doors, doors frames and skirtings.
With respect to the environment
Utilizing existing floors also helps protect the environment. No waste material is generated during the process. So, for those preferring cement based surfaces, Ideal Work is the smart and eco-friendly option.
In Just 4 steps
Renovating floors with Ideal Work systems is simple, effective and carried out by trained, approved, artisan tradesman in 4 steps.
CLEANING of the existing floor or screed
FINISHING the previously cleaned surface to make it level
of the Ideal Work chosen product
of the finished surface with the appropriate sealer
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Thickness: 5-6mm
Support: Concrete, sand & Cement, ceramic, natural stone
Thickness: Floors

Indoor Renovation
Thickness: 3mm
Support: Concrete, sand screed, ceramic, natural stone, wood & anyother surface
Thickness: Floors, walls, stairs & furniture

Nuvolato Architop
Thickness: 3-4m
Support: Concrete, sand & Cement, ceramic, natural stone
Thickness: Floors

Indoor Renovation
Thickness: no thickness
Support: Concrete, microtopping, architop
Thickness: Floors, walls, stairs & furniture
We are waiting for you at the Plot 176, Sixth Street, Industrial Street .
Please contact us to book your appointment.
Incise (A Life Full of Design Secrets)
Plot 176, Sixth Street, Industrial Street
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